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Hi there, You are right sometimes I take images from Pinterest (like that image of the little clown) for inspiration/reference (Animals, Objects, Characters) And I did reference way too heavily on that design, it was my mistake. Once the auction ends I will discuss a clown redesign with the winner if wanted, if not I will just cancel it. I won't charge for that design as it is so don't worry you are good.

12 months ago

I would appreciate that so much so thank you so much! I completely understand what you mean since I know the design I got was put on Pinterest. But thank you for being understanding about all of this!!


New auction: CLOWN KOBOLD! 🤡🎉🎈

12 months ago

Heya! Others have alerted me to this design and this looks like a straight up anthro version of the adopt I got from Scootioz, I'd really appreciate if you could take this down, I'd have no problem with this if this was personal use :(

2 years ago

New auction: ROCK N' BARK: AUCTION

2 years ago

