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New auction: Iron Giratina

3 weeks ago

Iron Shadow? idk its a lot worse than the other 2 suggestions


New sale: Pokémon adopt

3 weeks ago

Bruh really?


New sale: Pokémon adopt

3 weeks ago

What pokemon is she?


I ended up getting all of them, yeah. I think they just look similar but these are different characters

4 weeks ago

Oh yeah now that you say it I can see some differences.


New auction: Adopt. Protogen Bubble Tea Glaceon

4 weeks ago

Wasn't the Glaceon won in the previous auction?


New auction: Adopt. Protogen Bubble Tea Leafeon

4 weeks ago

ohhh they're pretty


New auction: Adopt. Protogen Bubble Tea Umbreon

5 weeks ago

Yeah I'm gonna give up here. Enjoy Monster


Thank you very much, you may be right, although I think this may be the last protogen related to bubble tea, in general it is time to change the subject to create new adopts.🌸

5 weeks ago

Looking forward to seeing what type of adopts you'll be making next.


New auction: Adopt. Bubble Mint Tea Protogen

5 weeks ago

Unrelated (amazing art btw) but I love how this sudden boom in protogens can probably be traced back to the grape protogen selling for 400.


New auction: Adopt. Bubble Plum Tea Moth

6 weeks ago

I really love the way you draw moths
