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She's SO CUTE💖
New auction: Axolotl Girl
Ah, Kuro thanks ☺️💕
New auction: 🧊Guardian Alolan Vulpix🧊
New auction: Goddess Quetzalcoatl
Сначала не поняла, а потом как поняла. Аж пойти фармить захотелось
Что ж, у вас точно есть талант к большим, спелым и сочным фруктам *брови шевелятся*
Hi!^^ if the question is whether the winner receives the right of ownership in general, then yes, he does If the question is when he receives the right of ownership over the character, then after payment or did you mean something else?
You answeared my question on point :) Looking forward to work with you if i win.
New sale: 🐙 Octopus Girl - The Underwater Hunter
Thank you all for participating in the auction! Especially @Tronslayer and @Setlment Your "fights" made this day special for me <3
I have the feeling that two fine person that fight so hard for such a beauty will take good care of her :)
New auction: PETRI
And this one I am giving a good home where she can increase her followernumbers! Let it spread!