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Hi! This adopt is already sold. Follow me to be notified of my new auctions, I'm going to do another femboy soon for Christmas :3
Ah! Sorry for the mistake then. Hope they go to a wonderful home and can't wait to see what you make next ^^
New auction: Kobold Moth Adopt
Hello! I apologies for the late request, but could I get the payment plan if I AB the auction right now?
Hello! Payment plan from 300$ only on 2 weeks. What bid you want to leave ?
Ooo, looks like Chicken has her locked in. I apologize, but now she's out of my price range. She looks amazing and hope she goes to a great home!
New auction: 🍁Wendigo Lady(ADOPT)🍁
Could I please request the split payment for just in case I win?
I haven't used hipolink, but I have an account and we can try <3
New auction: 🍯🐝FLUFFY BEE GIRL🐝🥧
By any chance, do you have or can get Hipolink to use as a payment method?