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I still have your notification of "like" and then saw it get unliked. I know what ypu did. You arent sneaky. I see what you are.

4 days ago

I never liked your shit. I disliked it. Try again bucko


Oh i see, so you go and report my auction for "art theft"? You're a shit human being. Follow your cult. Fall for the ai artist scamming you, i hope you lose all your money.

4 days ago

??? the hell are you talking about? I made that comment about you doing your thing there and went about my day, i didnt do jack. You saw that your shit got reported on and blamed the first person you saw. Fuck you dude. Nakonys' stuff ain't AI. Nakony does the work. So you can take your little temper tantrum and go somewhere else. Hope your shit dont sell, cause you obviously dont have the mindset for this


I deleted them bc i didnt want to keep fighting. Im not jealous whatsoever and didnt want their cult to attack me over the obvipus ai art. But think what you would like.

5 days ago

you didnt want to keep fighting yet you came back to respond to my post. Hmmmm do you really mean what you say? And again, it aint AI art. There's distinct markers on AI art that you can see, parts that they never get right. And there aint none of them here. But you keep thinking what you want buddy. Nakony has proof of all that to say it isnt, you just dont wanna listen. And that's fine, dont listen. But please... stop trying to drag a person down cause you got nothing better to do


Well, if my words are unconvincing for you, then you should wait for the administration’s decision. I believe that only this will be considered significant

6 days ago

They deleted their pings cause they knew they weren't winning LOL Your art isn't AI, they're just sad cause you have talent that they don't. Ignore em Nakony, you're awesome


I. . .only managed to blink

5 weeks ago

insert the Neil DeGrasse Tyson 'NYOOOOOM' gif here


New auction: Street Boss Oni


But this is AI

2 months ago

It's not tho? What makes you think this is AI?


New auction: Troll

2 months ago

Pardon my squidly French, but she's fucking adorable


Yes OK! Thank you for warning in advance, the bid has been removed!

2 months ago

thank you so much, and again i am sorry x,x You;re awesome
