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New auction: YCH Bell Bell 96
Can you change expression? To, for example, something more cutesy? Fluttershy-esque? Innocent/shy?
New auction: Halloween Pokefusion calendar 2024 1# EliLunam
Am i getting the one with the shillouette on display or a random onw
New auction: Hush baby ♡ (2 slot)
I mean, it could be a strap on, couldn’t it? Or a chick with a dick
New auction: Adoptable 5$ SB auction open
Thanks for the feedback! <3 I'm sure you'll be lucky next time ^^
New sale: Freya Kobold
With all due respect, cause i love your art, and i love the kobold i bought- the way you drew this kobold’s face is a bit uncanney- maybe stick to drawing turned head poses? Or maybe theres something else- idk, the adopt looks great but the face might put some off, which is a shame Hope they find a good home regardless though
Uploaded new art
As shadow the hedgehog would say: Nice cock! But i feel like the balls have a little bit of anti-gravity going on
New auction: Pastel Rainbow Worm on a String Adopt🌈
Would benefit greatly from some horn nubs, in the same color as the tail
New auction: Star Crack