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12 followers 1344 liked 12 posts

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9 days ago

I'd like to purchase her if that's ok then :)


New auction: Demoness girl adoptable

11 days ago

is this girl still available?


New auction: Pink Snow leopard Girl

11 days ago

Do you have hipolink?


New sale: Elf girl

13 days ago

Hipolink? :)


Hi, moderator OSH_121 here. Incorrect assumptions are corrected and bids to spite someone get penalized.

4 weeks ago

thank you for the response, have a good rest of your time!


Hello, I'm moderator Varinis. Further aggressive interactions will be seen as Harassment. Do not further engage with this user.

4 weeks ago

Ok understandable, but will anything be done about those who assume such things and bid out of spite? Honest question.


Bidder is a ver new account, dunno if legit or not

4 weeks ago

Not even a response? lmfao


Bidder is a ver new account, dunno if legit or not

4 weeks ago

congrats I guess, you sure showed me


Bidder is a ver new account, dunno if legit or not

4 weeks ago

WTF is your problem? I already been buying adopts what is it you you? You want to check my purchase history asshole?


New auction: Redhead Lady Sunflower

6 weeks ago

I just want to let you know you have some of the BEST character designs. Great stuff all of it.
