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Heya! Others have alerted me to this design and this looks like a straight up anthro version of the adopt I got from Scootioz, I'd really appreciate if you could take this down, I'd have no problem with this if this was personal use :(
Hi there, You are right sometimes I take images from Pinterest (like that image of the little clown) for inspiration/reference (Animals, Objects, Characters) And I did reference way too heavily on that design, it was my mistake. Once the auction ends I will discuss a clown redesign with the winner if wanted, if not I will just cancel it. I won't charge for that design as it is so don't worry you are good.
New auction: Adopt
hi! you mention AB in the description, but I don't see what that number is or see one set? I love this design!
HELLO! You won the auction of "LITTLE PINK KOBOLD", could you provide me your gmail to talk about the payment? ^^
I normally use streamdragon@hotmail.com for everything, is that okay?
Do you have any other messangers such as Discord? We can talk about this in it
No, I changed, my bad
Received, thanks! how did you want to handle the extra full art? I'm in no rush so at your earliest convenience! :3
Aww, thnx ^^ Soon I will draw more kobolds
I'll keep an eye out! Do you want an email to send the files to? The link you sent me goes to the watermarked image?
Oh, ok, wait for sec ^^ https://boosty.to/phillip16/posts/7cc1e165-586b-43eb-bc01-9663924ce12a?share=post_link Here it is
Should see payment shortly! I love your kobold design a lot, I use a lot of them in d&d so I'm always on the lookout! He's a cutie!
Hello, here is my boosty for payment ^^ https://boosty.to/phillip16/posts/7cc1e165-586b-43eb-bc01-9663924ce12a?share=post_link
Hi there! It looks like the link is for the base $15 bid, but I was hoping for the additional full art so I upped my bid. Should I just over bid the link you sent me?
I sent it to you, please check if it is possible to download them?
Received and downloaded! Thank you so much, I look forward to future works!