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18 followers 281 liked 80 posts

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New auction: YCH - "Don't leave me"

4 weeks ago

Sent an email!


New auction: bloody bath ych~

5 weeks ago

! hey can i buy this? i don't know why my bid didn't go through.


New auction: YCH RABBIT BOY

7 weeks ago

damn. can i buy this too? BAHAHA.


New auction: YCH COUPLE

7 weeks ago

hey! just checking if you do commissions and if you have a price list!


yes, of course! I don't quite understand how the site works, but an order request should be opened in my profile or I can post a new auction for you

8 weeks ago

you gotta open up the commission option in your options! when you get that done, let me know? c: it's closed by default!


New auction: sketch YCH

8 weeks ago

my bid didn't go through!!! could i get this as well?


New auction: YCH

3 months ago

Hey! Could I snag this?


New auction: softness

4 months ago

Lgbt couples allowed?


Hey guys I've made a twitter account for posting my YCH.Com commissions (for the sake of separating it from my fanart and my shitposting (lol) because the audience is too different). I've posted some of my old pictures there and I will post there all the new commissions. Just don't be surprised. New twitter acc: And here is also my boosty link: . I'm leaving it here for cross linking.

16 months ago

love ur shitposting. <3


New auction: Halloween ych - A

21 months ago

Ah! I didnt notice the a and b slot. Could you retract my bid, please? Sorry about that!
