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3 years ago

New auction: All the drawings you want

3 years ago

Well this is certainly a fun Idea I haven't seen before! A bit costly but it could be nice having an artist on retainer for a full year >~< A few questions, how many pieces would you be okay with doing a month, roughly speaking? And you included "fetish" on the list... but are there things you won't be willing to draw? You have my curiosity! <3

3 years ago

Hi! how's it going? I appreciate your curiosity ^^ The pieces that I am willing to deliver range from 10 to 20 a month (depending on the complexity) if there are many simple pieces I could even deliver more (it depends on my time in general) As for fetishes, I really dare to draw many things of the little that I would not be able to draw is the gore but I think that with anything else you can reach an agreement ^^ any other questions you can tell me

3 years ago

Oh wow that's quite a lot! I don't think I could ever even come up with that many art ideas! I will definitely have to think this over, as it is very tempting! And I am not interested in any gore things, and most of my requests would probably be SFW anyways, so I'm sure we would have no issues! I cannot think of anymore questions at the moment but I will really be giving this some thought! Would love to work with you <3

3 years ago

take it easy I would love to work with you too, you sound really friendly ^^ If in these days that the auction will last you can think of more questions, do not hesitate to talk to me ^^ I will be happy to answer ♥

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Okay thought of one more question... how would you want to do the payment? All in one go up front? Through Paypal or some other service?
