Well this is certainly a fun Idea I haven't seen before! A bit costly but it could be nice having an artist on retainer for a full year >~< A few questions, how many pieces would you be okay with doing a month, roughly speaking? And you included "fetish" on the list... but are there things you won't be willing to draw? You have my curiosity! <3
Hi! how's it going? I appreciate your curiosity ^^ The pieces that I am willing to deliver range from 10 to 20 a month (depending on the complexity) if there are many simple pieces I could even deliver more (it depends on my time in general) As for fetishes, I really dare to draw many things of the little that I would not be able to draw is the gore but I think that with anything else you can reach an agreement ^^ any other questions you can tell me
Oh wow that's quite a lot! I don't think I could ever even come up with that many art ideas! I will definitely have to think this over, as it is very tempting! And I am not interested in any gore things, and most of my requests would probably be SFW anyways, so I'm sure we would have no issues! I cannot think of anymore questions at the moment but I will really be giving this some thought! Would love to work with you <3
take it easy I would love to work with you too, you sound really friendly ^^ If in these days that the auction will last you can think of more questions, do not hesitate to talk to me ^^ I will be happy to answer ♥
well, I'm going to explain the situation to you I created this service to be able to afford a new pc since mine was damaged preferably yes, it would be the full cost by paypal
well as I mentioned at the moment I am without a pc we can fix two solutions That this month I will draw you traditional drawings or wait for the next month and from there start the annual service
I think that second option would be perfect! The main reason I ask is that I am about to go on a more/less month long trip for work, and I'd rather keep a bit of money in the bank... but I'll be getting a nice paycheck at the end of it! Plus I won't really be very available during that time, so I would not have been able to request anything from you anyways...
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okay that's fine with me. Could you write me to one of my social networks to keep in contact and tell me more or less what day we will start working? you can find me as @ReinaChikita3 on twitter instagram and telegram or you can write to discord 𝓡𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓴𝓲𝓽𝓪#5880