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512 followers 75 posts
2 years ago

New auction: Adopt - Dark Bird Assassin

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Any ways to messahe you in private, sort of interested to know your commission prices

Bro i wanna know did someone really pay 3,000$?

FINALLY, congrats to Fion. Now you can sleep :)

If this artist ever opens for commissions I'd def grab a slot, but whew lad this goes way beyond my cut off point.

Alright, it's been fun everyone. I think it's finally over... But if I'm wrong, I'll go grab my clown nose.

Alright, it's been fun everyone. I think it's finally over... But if I'm wrong, I'll go grab my clown nose.

Alright, it's been fun everyone. I think it's finally over... But if I'm wrong, I'll go grab my clown nose.

I don't believe this is going to end lmao

Leeeet's dooooo the tiiiiiime waaaarp agaaaaain

Been here since the final hours this was suppose to be finished. I hung out with friends today and this is still going lmao

Can I... can I just commission her twin? And then go to bed?
