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54 followers 171 posts
21 months ago

Heya! Can't find it in wiki, but how do we delete old auctions and unfollow users?

21 months ago

For deleting auctions, go to auctions page under your icon on the main site, click the 3 dots! Auctions that ran a month or so ago can be deleted. As for unfollowing, you have to individually go to each user profile, not their ping profile, but the one for ych.commishes.com/user/insert username and unfollow them there. I usually keep one of those profiles up and go through my ping followers and copy paste names to get it done fast lol

21 months ago

thank you but still can't access deleting :c I went through https://ych.commishes.com/account the dots don't provide a delete option, just edit

21 months ago

that means they are still too new, I think! it should give the option on anything older than I think 3 months, then! I can't quite remember the months passed it needs ;w;

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