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2 months ago

I feel like I need to set up some sort of web page or carrd or similar just to keep all the references for my character(s) for artists xD

2 months ago

I've been using Artconomy for that myself. Let's me store some extra info about the characters too beyond just the images.

2 months ago

Ooo, that also sounds like a good idea. Never heard of it though--anything I should know about that service?

2 months ago

Nothing in particular. Free account. Set up characters. Upload images. If the artist is on the website it's worth linking them with art you upload, if not I usually just write in who the artist is and where I got the image. Last I checked they do permit AI artwork to be uploaded, but it -must- be tagged appropriately. I'd review the TOS if anything you have falls in that category. It's mostly furry stuff but it's not intended to be limited to anything. Main focus is actually commissions.

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