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56 followers 19 posts
2 weeks ago

Happy 21st! I hope your day goes wonderfully! And to comment on your art, I absolutely adore the way you do action poses ^-^

2 weeks ago

That "Artist" is tracing over Ai generated images, after they run them through photoshop filter that makes colors turn into blobs. Zoom in. On top of that - non-logical things (mistakes that you can't make if you created it) in many designs cus Ai can't think. I have proofs.

2 weeks ago

A claim like that needs some extraordinary and unambiguous proof to back it up

2 weeks ago

Yup! I wouldn't start it if I had no evidence. I do have it all and know the EXACT way how do they "draw" like that, you'll see soon.

2 weeks ago

And when exactly is "soon"? Why make a big claim like that if you aren't going to back it up immediately when making said claim?

2 weeks ago

Because if I show you here right now - the person will destroy the evidence as soon as I point at it. So I won't point it for now. I want admins to see it first and do the first move. I already sent obvious pieces of evidence to them. If you are THAT interested, just wait

2 weeks ago

You have plenty of places to post it without them being able to "destroy" it. Any reason for not posting your alleged evidence is nothing more than an excuse

2 weeks ago

You are not an admin and have 0 control over this platform - why do you think you are an authority here to obligate me to do something and think you are so special, that you HAVE to see it BEFORE admins? I'll post the evidence in my feed, after they reply. Be patient and without gaslighting, please.

2 weeks ago

Nothing I've said is gaslighting, I've simply been asking for the evidence you claim to have and you've been giving excuses to not post it. I don't care if I or the admins see it first, but when you make a claim the burden is on you to provide proof of it WHEN you make that claim, not after.

2 weeks ago

I clearly did it right when I found out about it. But to admins who are in control, because they are an authority on this platform. And the "excuse" you are calling out is not an excuse - it's a common sense and is needed if I really want to proof it. So for the last time, let's be patient 💙 I'm not here to fight with you :3

2 weeks ago

Again, why make a claim if you're not going to back it up right away? You say you have proof but refuse to post it and say to be patient. If the entire idea is to appeal to the authorities on the platform then why make your claim on my comment? You have no reason for refusing to post your claimed evidence, so I'm going to assume you actually have none

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