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96 followers 129 posts
12 days ago

Hi guys! I just wanted to announce I will stop doing NSFW art and comms for my own health, at least for some time. I thought I could deal with it to earn more money, but no. I'm not against nsfw artist/clients or nudity in art and I respect that! I really had fun with my clients, loved anatomy, compositing and coloring, but social media and frequent porn exposure have finally fucked up my mind and now I need help and I feel so bad. I hope you understand me... Also I don't get SFW comms as many as NSFW, for that reason I will have to rise prices too

11 days ago

Loved all the characters you've put together for me, and don't believe many of them were NSFW (with one exception, who I believe we did the most of). Hope to keep getting more SFW stuff from ya.

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