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2 followers 41 posts
2 months ago

New auction: adoptable

2 months ago

Os she still available?

2 months ago

Do it come with all versions. What about nude?

2 months ago

oh yes?..verything you see in the picture its for SB, that is futa and the female version. you can write to me for "commission" if you buy it :)

2 months ago

Okay, is there a more private way to communicate here. I'd like to buy her.

2 months ago

as I wrote, you can write to me in the “commission” by going to my profile page (I can’t write to you): https://ych.commishes.com/user/melmi/ if anything you can also write to me on discord (melmi.) or twitter (https://twitter.com/melmi1111)

2 months ago

Okay, I'll try discord first. And if that doesn't work, then I'll try Twitter. I go by baker2032 on discord and mckoybaker on twitter.

2 months ago

Twitter says your accounts closed. I have no idea what your icon looks like on discord and I littererally can't find the button that says (Comision). Do you have an FA account?

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