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198 followers 170 posts
9 days ago

Generic announcement to all: In case you are surprised that your score has suddenly skyrocketed upwards, it is probably because I finally remembered to leave a review for your works that I have purchased. I just finished typing reviews for over three months worth of works that I have purchased here on YCH. While I am older than many of you here I am sure, that is not an excuse for me to forget leaving a review or feedback on something I have bought from you, especially if you ask for a review. Basically, if I have not left a review in three weeks after I purchase something... REMIND ME! Throw a rock at my head or something! I will leave a review. I promise. I just forget to sometimes as Real Life is a huge distraction. You Artists really need a review button for us Buyers. "Pays promptly, but forgets to leave reviews," would be my review left for me I am certain. :P :)

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