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2 followers 3 posts
3 months ago

When I feel bad no one's ever around

3 months ago

willing to listen if you need to talk <3

3 months ago

I appreciate. This breackdown started with me finding out I made less money this mounth then I have to, I really strugling with mental health (bipolar) and working a "real" job is not an option now. I was so happy I could pay for rent, meds and stuff with my work as an artist, but I really fear that it was a temporary luck and it will end sooner then I have the strenght to find a job. I'm not good at social media, I may be not the best artist but I'm trying to improve... and at the end of the day I hate everything I do. I already lost to many friends because they got tired of me being a crybaby, I'm afraid to tell my bros that I feel like I need to end this all. So my friends are around only when I'm happy. Not often. Sorry for my english, it's the second language...

3 months ago

I'm just a random stranger but I started following you because I liked your art, It might not mean much believe in you and your artistic ability! Your efforts won't go to waste, I promise! I'm also here if you ever need someone to talk to.

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thank you very much, your words are inspiring, I do hope for a better future
