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27 followers 109 posts
3 months ago

New auction: A GIFT

3 months ago

Are you open for Commissions and if so what are your prices?

3 months ago

hii, I answered you yesterday, but for some reason I don't see this message, it's so strange ○,○ head: $10 black and white sketch; $15 color sketch; $25 full render. body: $10 black and white sketch; $15 color sketch; $30 full render. full: $15 black and white sketch; $20 color sketch; $40 full render background: simple sketch $5, full render from $10 to $30. Thank you for your interest~~ I can start an auction for commissions if you are interested!

3 months ago

It's all good 👍 I will want a full body render though I am away from my PC at the moment. Would it be alright if I send you the details Sunday/Monday? No need for an auction, I think you have commissions enabled on your account so I should just be able to post an order and we can go from there.

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