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19 followers 124 posts
7 months ago

Sorry to inform you that the rabbit girl adopt you had bid on is an adopt that I had already won before. The person is impersonating another artist that's already on here and trying to sell already sold adopts. is the real artist.

6 months ago

Sorry to try and reach you like this but the 2 adopts you bidded on for @euthanasia is a self bidder that uses alts to inflate the bidding. And i also found this out recently but they’re also an art thief. I almost got scammed from thinking the other bidders were real. Please be careful with them!

6 months ago

Thank you for informing me, but are these auctions art theft and if it is, can I get the original artist page to show as example to the mods when i report them? how did you find out they were self-bidding? Do this person have other social sites?

3 weeks ago

My friend, I don't have access to my YCH account. You can contact me by email, I have been writing to you for two days. Email:

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