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Of course, you can DM me on twitter @BuddyManarte

2 years ago

Thanks. I messaged you on there. Can you confirm and we can go from there?


Hi! Yes, I don't sell furry commissions because I don't usually draw and don't train furry. So I avoid selling. But depending on the cases I can make exceptions, but only for anthropomorphics. And thanks for the compliments 🤗

2 years ago

If possible, may I message you somewhere to show my characters? I want to get art from you, but I don't know if you consider them "anthropomorphic".


New auction: Commission Slot 04

2 years ago

You say you don't draw "furry". May I ask if that is because you are not confident in drawing furry, or is it because you just dislike drawing furry characters? I have 2 animal characters I need a good weapon set with. And your style is fantastic. Thank you in advance.


New auction: ANIMATED YCH: Playing the guitar

3 years ago

Any chance some minor changes can be made, like removing an object from the scene?


link the owner base

3 years ago

Are saying this isn't their art?


New auction: YCH

3 years ago

Wait, did this early?? I swear this had another day still!


New auction: Summer YCH

3 years ago

Do you have examples of your work to put on your portfolio? Right now, you have no examples for us to go off of.


I have tried many times to sell this YCH, and nothing came out. It seemed to me that this time there would be silence. You like to buy this?

3 years ago

I was considering it at the time, because I needed a cute picture for a birthday gift. I've found a picture to fit that bill. But I honestly still might consider it. I'm sure this isn't quite the ideal message you might've been hoping for. But I wanted to give you the truth of the situation. Figured it's better than leaving you without a reply.


New auction: Kiss

3 years ago

Why did you end this one over 40 hours early?


New auction: YCH Pose 69

3 years ago

Can the winner ask for the completed result of this YCH to remain private? Meaning, only the winner and the artist sees the picture? Not everyone is comfortable having their character like this for everyone to see. Some get it for themselves to enjoy.
