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New auction: -' Thicc Barioth Adoptable '-
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New auction: Dragon Necromancer
Well damn, was really hoping for this one. Not willing to go over 300 tho.
New auction: Adopt - Dark Bird Assassin
If this artist ever opens for commissions I'd def grab a slot, but whew lad this goes way beyond my cut off point.
That is an alarming Amount Of less info. How can i be sure this is real?
You can check people's loot tab and it shows reviews that people have left about the person.
New auction: Futa Milf Kobold Adopt
That was weird, both bids on it vanished and I couldn't even put in a bid. It also went from 1 hour left to 1 minute left.
New auction: Mouse Warrior - Adopt
New auction: Mouse Warrior - Adopt
Don't feel bad! I think I'll make more kobolds in the near future. uwu
Nah this is the fifth time for me that I've found one neat and lost out on it. I'm just going to go off and get a custom one.
New auction: Kobold adopt