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New auction: Male dominated

7 years ago

Is this slot for the female upside down? It’s hard to tell which slot is which.


New auction: Sketch commission

7 years ago

Whats your social media or art account so I can see examples of your art?

7 years ago

New auction: Adopt


Can I ask if the character has an established personality? A backstory? What's the story behind the cutie mark? Will the buyer attain all rights to the character including republication? I ask this not to steal or entirely rework but I'd like the opportunity to incorporate the character to my works in animation and fiction and into the world involving my other characters. Cheers :)

7 years ago

Whoever wins the auction gets full rights of the character and can change what they want. Originally her cutiemark is from falconry (training birds of prey) as it’s a shillouete of a kestrel.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

New auction: Adopt

7 years ago

New auction: Adopt

7 years ago

New auction: Adopt

7 years ago

New auction: Adopt

7 years ago

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