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Hiya, I think our chat disappeared
I am sorry. That sale has been cancelled due to lack of payment in a timely manner.
the payment must be sent to a paypal email: miravo.arts@gmail.com i would like you to get in touch with me on that mail too,so i could give you access to the adoptable:) thank you for understanding
No problem! I have sent payment and an e-mail to that email address just now (and am telling you here just in case it gets caught by a spam filter ^^; ) Thank you once more!
New auction: YCH
Not sure what's going on because I bid on the auction here: https://ych.commishes.com/auction/show/1PC8H/elf-adoptable/ ...but I have not gotten anything popping up to get information about paying for the adopt, nor do I even see that auction here in your Ping section. So... I am posting here to try and get in touch with you. Thank you if you can respond!
Uploaded new art
I love the hair design for this girl. To me it almost gives a bit of a 90s anime vibe, and that with the kinda "business" look about her work very well for some ideas I have. Thank you very much for the opportunity to adopt this design, once more!
Uploaded new art
So very pretty!! Thank you so much for drawing this for me!!
it already finished (and someone thankfully bought it) but commishes have been acting weird lately and it has been deleting finished auctions.. i was going to put for an auction another custom slot today though so if you still want to take one let me know.. thank you for enjoying my work, i really put effort doing these designs ;u; ♡
I've noticed how glitchy this is trying just to get to comment here (apologies if you got messaged about another comment elsewhere ^^; ). And I may just have to do that, regarding the customs! Though my problem with a custom just is not having an idea besides "Draw a witch-like Gardevoir, but different to not cause problems!". And that probably would still be a problem. XD Maybe hopefully I can get my imagination working, though. Either way, good luck and continue with the awesome art!
New auction: Gardevoir x Mismagius Pokefusion
You draw some very pretty poké-fusions! I saw this one up for auction yesterday, that was REALLY pretty but got pulled away before I could bid and am now not sure what happened to it since the auction seems to have gotten got deleted. :( Hopefully if someone got it, they enjoy the design, though! (and if no one got it, it can go up again, soon, so I have a chance at it. XD )