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All is well it was resolved peacefully :>
Yes, though sorry I have tp end out battle over this one lol I do hope you win ^^
That's harsh fam ;~;
Now that I know more, I am sorry. I apologized to Jazzi and I'm sorry to you too. I have been scammed before with something similar so I think I was being too paranoid this time because of the website showing something weird. Again, I was wrong and I'm sorry.
As moderator ReshiStar said, this is how Autobid works. You can try it yourself if you bid more than $5 over the current bid. Your bid will only increase by $5 if it’s the highest bid.
Alright, I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt with this. It just seemed really weird.
That's just autobid. Users can't remove their own bids
The owner can though. I have outbid that xaesther twice and their names were deleted each time. Either the owner will fix it later, or this is Bid Manipulation with a second account from the owner.
New auction: ~Kobold Star Sorceress~
It looks like xaesther is bating people to bid higher and then removing their bid right after. They've done it twice now.