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New auction: Female Jiangshi adopt

4 months ago

Still available?


New auction: 💙 Inteleon 💙

5 months ago

Question. Do you still have the Arbok gal up for grabs?


New auction: Your 3d character

16 months ago

Question. if given a character for making a 3D figure design, must the back side also be provided or do we give character and image of any clothing? What's the duration of wait period for completion?


New auction: Adopt dogfem

16 months ago

Is she still up for adopt, since I would like to AB obtain her.


New auction: Maractus Girl

18 months ago

Is auction gonna be a new start up for her?


New auction: Live2D Model // Exclusive Use

18 months ago

Hiya, I'm wondering if you do commissions and what is the price to do one?


New auction: Surprise Pokémon Adopt!

19 months ago

Hiya, is auction going to run again? I've actually placed a tier 1 bid few minites before site went down, but the site bug and didn't saved it for me.


Hi! Sure, I'll reach out.

19 months ago

I'm sorry to bother you one last time and wanted to know if she ever replied back to you very recently, so I can finally decide if I should report to the mods to take action. Due to getting no response from her and had never received nor seen any update on a paid commission from LuuvNyx for quite a long time already.


Hi! Sure, I'll reach out.

19 months ago

Thanks dude!


Hiya. I saw you bet and won on an auction from a user known as LuuvNyx. Are you able to chat with her or get in touch? If so, can you kindly let her know I wanna talk to her over a commission I paid/requested that soon to be 2 months unfinished and don't if any progress was ever made? Just slightly odded out wondering if was or wasn't a scam that needs to be reported.

19 months ago

Apologies, forgot to mention the reason I'm asking you if able is due to getting no response/replies from her which is seeming suspicious like being ghosted.
