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New sale: sb = full rendering

5 months ago

Is it possible for you to do an axolotl girl?


I am having an identical experience! I haven't gotten confirmation of receipt of my money or character info. The timestamp for me shows that it's been 10 days.

6 months ago

I finally got a response on their boosty page. They apologized saying they were unable to communicate for a bit, but they have started my ych. So here's hoping everything works out ok.

6 months ago

Hey I saw that you bid on a ych by Rubezahl and was wondering if you heard anything from them? I bought that same ych from them and after they sent me the link to pay them, I haven't heard anything else from them and it's been probably like 2 weeks. Like they didn't even confirm that they got the money or that they got my messages about the character details I sent them. Are you having the same experience?


New auction: YCH

6 months ago

Just wondering if you have received my messages about this ych?


New sale: Fairytale

6 months ago

Can someone give me $300. I wish I could ab this so bad.

7 months ago

New auction: Demon Tiefling Adopt

7 months ago

New auction: Slime girl Adopt


New auction: YCH#30

7 months ago

I wish someone give me a bunch of money because I need a full render art from you. Your art is just absolutely gorgeous!


Uploaded new art

7 months ago

Eeeee adorable!


New sale: YCH

7 months ago

I also bid 16 but I guess they got it in a split second before me. * sigh*
