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Have some payment issues at the moment, hopefully they will be fixed in the upcoming days and I can post new adopts. In the meantime here's a sketch of a feisty necromancer :3
Thank you for the 200 subs! Really means a lot for me ^^🎉
New auction: 🛡Dragon Warrior Kobold Adopt🛡
New auction: 🎃Pumpkin Medusa Kobold Adopt🎃
Taking a small break due to the recent passing of one of my family members and some other reasons too. Probably won't be long due to my strong workaholism, I just need a bit of time to get back to my feet and normalise my phycological health. I hope you all understand.
New auction: lady
xD Just saw this an hour after your post. Glad she got bought.
Uploaded new art