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New auction: Adoptable auction (full render) 💜🔮👾
I want her so bad, if only I had the money to get her 😩
New auction: YCH - ADULT GAMES
hi hi~ may i know what the minimum amount you accept for the monthly payment plan? and how many months you will do the payment plan for?
I don't really like offering the same YCH so many times, not bc I don't like it but bc I feel like I get you guys bored, but also, when I offer variety, I don't get to sell so much ... I wanna make more adopts but I gotta finish some commissions first.
I love your ych's. my issue is that I'm almost always broke ðŸ˜. If I had the funds, I would definitely get both of your valentine ones and more!
New auction: Adoptable Sexy Flygun
New auction: YCH [Bikini] 2 CHARACTERS
Hi~ I would like to discuss commissioning you for this ych, is there anyway I can contact you about it so we can talk?
New auction: xmas ych
New auction: YCH Sex toys
Will this be a recurring ych cuz this is so gorgeous and I really want to bid but I can't go over budget 😫
New auction: Melanina Commissions YCH#10
Will this ych return? Is it possible for me to commission you for this ych?
New auction: Mummy Mommy YCH 👻
New auction: YCH NO.1 COW POSITION (SLOT 1)
Would you happen to do payment plans? I would love to bid but I'm low on funds currently. Also, for the futa and full color versions, are they the minimum/set bid requirements or is it +$50 / +$100 to the SB?