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I sent paypal invite already (we will delete ping after this and continued at email)
Im not convinent fotr discord fight now, can you use email?
Yes thats perfectly fine, Sharkshogunate@gmail.com is good for both payapal and delivery email
hi SharkShogun you've just won the "Bells Cowgirl" auction can you tell me your PayPal email address and where I can send you the artwork? Thank you
You can use the same email for the art, or if it is blocked by Google we can go through discord. My discord is Shark Shogun#7818
hi SharkShogun you've just won the "Bells Cowgirl" auction can you tell me your PayPal email address and where I can send you the artwork? Thank you
Yes, my PayPal is sharkshogunate@gmail.com I apologize for the late reply, I was expecting a message through the commission section lol