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New auction: Goblin girl Adoptable~
i accidentally used the wrong tag on the post so it said i broke the rules, im trying to recover it now but it was faster to make a new account u.u its totally fine if you changed your mind tho!
I'll contact you on Instagram, don't wanna be conducting business on public YCH pings
@Succulent_Goulash Hi! sorry to trouble you, i got an email about an auction saying you are the winner, but i lost my old account :( i wanted to ask if you are still interested before posting it again :3
Yea I'm still interested, I'm just a bit sketched out, how'd you lose your account?
If another one is made I can get that one it's fine. They do match really well.
Well if you bid 52 I won't bid anymore the blue one and her match so well. I didn't even realize.
Eh, maybe, how much do you want her? I don't mind letting this one go
You have the blue paladin. I have 2 tail one. I was confused too lol.
They're the same paladin but from two different universes
It was a joke. I won the kobold paladin too.
Wait now I can't tell if you're fucking with me, I thought I won the paladin
Are you trying to convince me to bid more here?
New auction: Cutie Water Kobold
Oh this design is adorable as hell, potentially an awesome half-sister for the paladin kobold
New auction: 💖 YCH by GeshaChe 💖
How would penetration work at this angle? I'm too hollow-brain to figure it out.