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New auction: Bristla Mommy [palworld adoptable]

8 months ago

SUDDEN DEATH! Someone step forth and fight me for this art! I DARE YOU!


New auction: Bristla Mommy [palworld adoptable]

8 months ago

What an interesting design. I like it. I like it a LOT!


New auction: Hung Lizard Adopt

8 months ago

Just to double check, did you reach out and contact me? I’ll be damned if I get scammed twice. -3-


Uploaded new art

8 months ago

I think I’d like to have a conversation with you. Sooner rather than later.


New auction: Adopt: Inoshaki

8 months ago

Immediately. IMMEDIATELY someone bids the $130! Have you no chill?!


New sale: Tenacious Tanuki

8 months ago

Love love LOVE seeing such a handcrafted character earn the love it deserves. Whoever wins it, may it bring you great happiness.


I'm putting this here for thoroughness: after looking through comments, it seems that a scammer approached you under the name "Dat-Izzy" using a hyphen and not an underscore like my own username. I have not reached out to anyone outside of the auction winner through official means about this auction. I highly recommend that you pursue getting a refund or reversal, and I'm looking in to reporting that account now.

8 months ago

Ah. I see. My apologies.


New sale: Tenacious Tanuki

8 months ago

This auction needs to be seen by more people. It’s such a stunning amount of effort and love poured into a singular character.


New auction: Hung Lizard Adopt

8 months ago

Oi. You need to find either a way to contact me or refund me.

8 months ago

A STUNNING and breathtaking art piece!
