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xD these ideas make me want to make more accordion bards... if only they weren't so hard to draw... bards are so much fun <3

8 hours ago

Every time you create one of your "Warrior and Alternate Outfit" works, the alternate outfit always looks like something a Rogue would wear. I keep thinking about the Helm Of Opposite Alignment when I see that. A party of warriors entering a dungeon and a party of rogues leaving it, completely believing that they were always rogues and being told they were once warriors will get the speaker stared at as if they were a three-headed ettin. :)


New sale: accordion bard tiefling

30 hours ago

They WERE convinced however, that the music she called "polka" came straight from Asmodeus himself.


New sale: accordion bard tiefling

30 hours ago

The party were split trying to decide which was more upsetting. The fact that their bard was a female, and thus seducing every guard that they saw, or the fact that she was a tiefling, and her natural beauty was seducing every guard that they saw.


You can only pay through PayPal in Hipolink, but I have no way to receive payment purely through PayPal.

3 days ago

Right now Hipolink won't take PayPal due to them working on technical issues. They have been working on them for a week now I think.


New sale: Adopt Goddess crab

5 days ago



New auction: Adopt

7 days ago

Nice to see you back. You have been missed. :)


Hoi!!! Halloween is very soon, so It's time to announce my ~BIMBOCTOBER~. What is Bimboctober? Well, almost the same thing as adoptober but much Sexier!! So here's the list of my own themes! I hope that I will successfully finish this! (not like in a previous year) So I hope for your support and I'll be waiting for you 1-31 of October! See ya soon! ,'3

8 days ago

Get some doodles made for the first 10 if you want to finish the entire list this year. Don't have to finish them, just doodle rough ideas of things. :)


Hey, I forgot it's almost Halloween. For such an event, I would like to make three pumpkin dragons with evolutions like Pokemon: - Pumpkin Dragon Sis - Pumpkin Dragon Duchess - Pumpkin Dragon Queen I hope that I will have time to draw them, since now I am working on drawings for my customers.

8 days ago

You have a month yet. Your drawing speed is probably faster than my writing speed anyway. :)


"sings" Hey sexy lady~

9 days ago

Which villainess is this? :)

9 days ago

Generic announcement to all: In case you are surprised that your score has suddenly skyrocketed upwards, it is probably because I finally remembered to leave a review for your works that I have purchased. I just finished typing reviews for over three months worth of works that I have purchased here on YCH. While I am older than many of you here I am sure, that is not an excuse for me to forget leaving a review or feedback on something I have bought from you, especially if you ask for a review. Basically, if I have not left a review in three weeks after I purchase something... REMIND ME! Throw a rock at my head or something! I will leave a review. I promise. I just forget to sometimes as Real Life is a huge distraction. You Artists really need a review button for us Buyers. "Pays promptly, but forgets to leave reviews," would be my review left for me I am certain. :P :)
