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4 days ago

New auction: Character Design


New auction: Adopt auction

8 days ago

What is the payment method


New auction:

9 days ago

Is there another method besides boosty im incapable of useing this site


that's what i ment i ment if it said $100 if full render then what is the auction stage full color, semi render?

5 weeks ago

sorry ment that's not what i ment


YCH is sold for a fixed price! Once you place a bid, the auction is over. Ych will not be used anywhere else (like my other ychs).

5 weeks ago

that's what i ment i ment if it said $100 if full render then what is the auction stage full color, semi render?


New auction: YCH ***Single-slot! Will not be reused!

5 weeks ago

if 100 is full render what stage is the auction


It would be around $15-25 depending on how complex you want character to be

6 weeks ago

then im adding you 2 i love coming for custom characters and in future do want to work with you


New auction: Sweet

6 weeks ago

didn't win the war but at lest I bumped up the price of this wonderful adopt


New auction: Sloth

4 months ago

my friend i always feel bad for you you can't catch a break from these false reports
