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2 years ago

New auction: NSFW Commission Slot - Closing Up Shop Sale!

2 years ago

New auction: Came Inside YCH

2 years ago

Uploaded new art


Thank you for the reply! The details of the other character would be relevant for me to know if I bid or not, since it is any gender and I am mainly interested in m/f (no judgment towards anybody who likes other things, just personal preference). If you receive the information on the other spot before this one is over, I know if I will bid or not. :-)

2 years ago

Ahh I'm sorry, the info didn't come in before the auction ended :( Sorry about that! But I plan to do more YCHs in a similar series so if you're interested in this style/theme I definitely encourage keeping a lookout! ^^


Thank you for the reply! The details of the other character would be relevant for me to know if I bid or not, since it is any gender and I am mainly interested in m/f (no judgment towards anybody who likes other things, just personal preference). If you receive the information on the other spot before this one is over, I know if I will bid or not. :-)

2 years ago

Makes perfect sense! I'll be sure to let you know as soon as the info comes in :)


Is there info on which character will be in slot A?

2 years ago

The Slot A auction was put up at the same time as this one yesterday and it was AB'd last night, I am still awaiting the ref from the winner ^^ so yes I am happy to provide those specifics as soon as I have them :)

2 years ago

New auction: FINAL December Auction - SLOT B

2 years ago

New auction: FINAL December Auction - SLOT A

2 years ago

New auction: Out of Breath YCH

2 years ago

New auction: On Top YCH
