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New auction: 🌸Adoption of the adorable Pokemon Lopunny X Sylveon🌸
she's SUPER cute!! how much would you have to pay for the sketches shown just as is without them being completed? the sketches are really nice but I'm not really able to pay for full renders of all of them haha
hey! this design is the one Gigi made here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGYny6uI2bA you also traced over their art?
hello!! Hmm, I haven't tried to register on this site... I'll try it now! if I succeed, I will let you know! :3
New auction: ADOPT unicorn 🌸
New auction: girl vampire ADOPTABLE
New sale: 😈Devil Girl😈 - by rendigo
New auction: 🧬🖇 CRAZY SCIENTIST ADOPT 🧪ðŸ¦
the buyer couldn't pay, so I'm reloading
Hello! yes, there are such ^^. About the second question, no, they didn't fall apart:3
New auction: â—‡Auctionâ—‡
hi!! a few questions! :0 1 - do you have separate versions of the art (like the closeup and the fullbody?) 2 - I saw they were previously sold did they fall through?