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2 days ago

New auction: "fenix" monk + outfit "school"

3 days ago

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3 days ago

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4 days ago

New auction: lancer girl + killer form

4 days ago

New auction: espeon + shiny form

5 days ago

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I think you have the wrong description, it still says Mermaid Alchemist

5 days ago

Ty, quick copy and paste brings its problems~ thanks for the heads up ♥️♥️♥️


I think you have the wrong description, it still says Mermaid Alchemist

5 days ago

New auction: "Aset" + alternative outfit


I absolutely loved the way you wrote the backstory for the character, it's very uniquely worded and feels like a proper short-strory!

7 days ago

I'm glad you like it, and I'm relieved to know that the mini stories are already getting better understood, after all I'm a total newbie in writing <3
