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New auction: ANIMATED Griffon YCH

15 months ago

Thats really good, need one for ponies~


New auction: ANIMATED Pony YCH

15 months ago

Sent you a friend request on discord. For some reason it doesn't let me bid. The screen goes dark like when confirming your bid but nothing pops up to confirm or cancel.


New auction: YCH PONY MEME

18 months ago

Would I be able to swap genders? Lol. Have a male oc on the couch surrounded by mares?


New auction: Writer For Hire

2 years ago

Might be interested. Do you have experience/knowledge of the My Little Pony universe? If not I do have another idea


New auction: Free Cunts_Left slot_

2 years ago

Dang, don't always like separate slots. Are you willing to sell this as a whole piece? I'd be getting the 110 or 150 option if so for the extras


New auction: Pony blowjob GIF, SLOT B

3 years ago

I’d like to buy this if it’s still available


New auction: YCH-bedroom gymnastics

3 years ago

Hey, can I buy this? Had added it to my watchlist but was busy so I couldn’t get to it in time


New auction: Please, be gentle...YCH

3 years ago

I had set a max bid of 60...


You still have two days to decide on what you want, if there's no payment and decision, I will have to revoke the slots and give it to another.

4 years ago

I don’t want to hold you up tbh so if you’d like I’d say to try and resell it, if it doesn’t sell then I’ll pay for them for the inconvenience


If you would still like to have all three slots for $70, I can make an alternate version with your characters on all 3 slots. The payment of $70 USD is to be sent to PayPal account [email protected] I will also need the reference of all your characters.

4 years ago

Idk about an alternate version, don’t want me female characters to be used at all other than my stallion alone tbh. Funny thing is I was about to get the autobuy for the white slot after work yesturday but someone else got it legit 30min before. I somehow knew something like this would happen which is why I made the offer. I’ll have to think about it tbh
