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New auction: Animation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 months ago

I'm confused, can we change or not change the body type? it says you can pay to change it in two different areas but also says you cannot change it?


Yeah... those sure were bids. (went $300 over my comfort zone, thanks sunk cost fallacy). Also you should do more proto's. This is my first time actually seeing one as an adopt, and who doesn't love the funny robots? We need more out there.

9 months ago

But sunk cost fallacy only works here if you spent all the money you bid with regardless if you win or lose haha. If you lose you spend nothing, but you lose the proto. The sunk cost would be if you did win, then paid for it and felt the need to get it more art asap to justify the purchase.


New auction: 💦

10 months ago

Heads up, people get in trouble offering nsfw in posts not labeled “e” for explicit


New auction: Isn't he adorable?

10 months ago

What do you mean by “not sure you can change body type?” Is this someone else’s base? Or is there another reason? Just curious.


New auction: YCH - The Dragon's Treasure

11 months ago

Is it possible to swap out the dragon for another large character? Or does it have to be a dragon character? Or is it already a specific dragon character haha


Heya! The other 3 slots didn't receive a bid yet, this auction it's only for slot C so, the AB it's only for C Let me know if you're interested on one specific slot to open an auction for you or you can just make a bid on this link

11 months ago

Tbh I was more interested in the option to get this and split it with friends if auto buy was for all three slots haha I’m not interested in any one slot or mixing with strangers idk if I’ll like their characters or not. I’ll probably just skip out on it but good luck on your auction


New auction: [ YCH ] - One for the Team

11 months ago

So is this only for slot C? Have you sold the other slots or plan to sell them? If we hit buy now do we just get a version with all slots open to us?


New auction: nsfw sketch page

11 months ago

Are the sketches colored or not colored? Or is only the auto buy option colored?


Hi~ I can change it to Chillet What kind of pal do you want? It will be easier for me to answer :>

11 months ago

Chillet or Frostallion / frostallion noct but most likely just chillet hehe


New sale: Travelling with your pal (YCH open)

11 months ago

Does this have to be with the pal in the ych or can it be like Chillet instead? (Or another rideable pal)
