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Heyy Quick questions, are the snake chars owned by anyone or are they designs you came up with yourself?
Heya! Would it be possible to get an example of what the fifferent tiers would look like? ^^ So flat color sketch, flat color lineart and full color?
New auction: YCH!
Heya! Would it be possible to get an example of what the fifferent tiers would look like? ^^ So flat color sketch, flat color lineart and full color?
New auction: Futa x Female/Futa YCH
Heya! Would it be possible to see an example of the sketch and the rendered version? ^^
New auction: CMM Slot
Hello! Of course this is the full color: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1F3LDz4rKJaayzqFuAwbrIWoLIknbGTWe And lineart and colour: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FfGTjbzCRAJpVUVqOFbCRQ9ZU4yptrWo
Thank you ^^ Do you have any examples of the lineart with color and shadows?
New auction: YCH+18 three characater
Heya! What would an example of lineart with color and full illustration be?
New auction: YCH
Heya! Just a quick question: Is the bid for both chars? And can the bottom one be a female char?
New auction: Cute selfie
Heya! Does the +20 / +40 in the description mean that that amount is added to the bid amount if one wants it or is it as goals, bid more than 20 to choose both chars?
New auction: YCH OPEN (NSFW)
Hey, sorry to bother you with this but I have an unpleasant request...: Could you by any chance remove my bid of this auction? Basically what happened was that I had a drink to many and bid on this by mistake. I just saw that I did while checking my bidding history... In any case I hope for your understanding and wish you a beautiful day/night