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ohh. well, since you insist so much ^^ I don't have a twitter account, but I can register
You don't have to. I can reference your page here, instead, if that's better. ^^
I think it's not worth it! :3
wow, I don't even know XD everything has arrived. I sent you the files to your email
Thank you so much! Well worth the wait! How can I credit you for posting elsewhere?
hmmmm, must be the product ?
Payment(s) sent! Split into two payments of $3.50, which automatically converted to Rubles.
hmmmm, must be the product ?
I forgot to say that I will send it after payment !!!!!
Right! Just to be clear, do I send to "Pay for product or service"? I hear different things for that every now and again.
okay^^ my paypal - [email protected]
Alright. Gonna send 2 separate payments of $3.50. Do I send it to "Pay for product or service"? Always want to be clear on that.
yes. only I do not know where to send you a png
Oh, right! My email is [email protected]. If you want to send an invoice through PayPal, too, it'd be the same email.
hello. I'm Lizarda. you bet on my vaporeon girl adopt+nude ver. do you want to contact and pick it up?
Oh, hi! Could I send the money with a couple different payments on PayPal? I have the funds, just split on two different cards, so it would be the full amount, but in 2 payments a minute or two apart. It was $7, right?
New sale: Frosslass + Alolan Ninetales ADOPT
My favorite Ice type fused with my favorite Ghost! AH!! She's gorgeous!!! Hope I can get her! ^^