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New auction: a d o p t

2 years ago

Unfortunately, I need to back out with my bid thanks to a bill. I am sorry! If they are available on the 16th, I would certainly love them. I do apologize!


Awww thanks! If you have facebook I can tag you in my adoptables! I usually post a lot of skeletons and adoptables that I don't post here

2 years ago

Most certainly! I would love that! Please, if you can this is my Facebook.


New auction: [ ❤️ ADOPTABLE HUMAN DEMON ❤️ ]

2 years ago

Oh I am far too late! I do hope to get another one of your adopts! I absolutely love the last one I received! Also I absolutely LOVED the papyrus adopt you made as well! Skeletons are my absolute favorite! I have too many. XD


That's great! The winner hadn't contacted me so I thought I'd ask. Could you please contact me via email ([email protected]) or discord (Flamingho#8289)?

2 years ago

I sent you a friend request on discord!


Wow, that's great! Do you have a social media where we can chat?

2 years ago

Totally! If you have discord we can talk there! ImPotato#1472


Sorry, can someone guide me to toyhouse? I have some questions that internet doesn't help with

2 years ago

I can maybe help with your questions. I use toyhouse all the time.


@FrappeVoid are you perhaps still interested?

2 years ago

Oh, hello! Most certainly!


New auction: Kitty ass

2 years ago

So much for that second try. ;u; I do hope to get a ych/adopt from you one day! 💜 Wonderful work!


do you want to do AB1 on hold or AB2 on hold? if it is AB1 the auction will end in 3 hours, but if it is AB2, it will close immediately and you will have the character!

2 years ago

I will just do the AB 2! I am sure to pay then!


Sure! although I only do hold if they give AB1 or AB2!

2 years ago

That is perfectly fine!
