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New auction: Scary Pack ✧ 16 Emotions
New auction: Glory hole||NSFW YCH
Do you only take boosty, or payment methods such as hypolink as well?
New auction: Sniper
You are aware that AI art is against the rules, yes? https://www.deviantart.com/fankbones/art/Auction-2-Sniper-OPEN-1041669653 It says it was made using AI at the bottom.
Uploaded new art
Payment meythod My buymecoffee is www.buymeacoffee.com/ImperiumArt MY BOOSTY is boosty.to/imperiumadopt my wise is wise.com/share/jennarongi buymecoffee is the best one. Thanks <3
Outbid at the last possible second, yippie.
Don't wanna sound like I'm too upset about this, but please turn on the sniping protection, I didn't have time to open the email notification before the auction even ended.
New auction: Adopt
hmm says you can't be messaged?
So your Twitter is Weird Noodle? Just wanna make sure!
New auction: Take her home
JabberwockySockies My Twitter is Jabber_Wockies, feel free to message me there to get my PayPal and such.