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I really want her as well so how can we resolve this?

7 weeks ago

Me getting too busy at work resolved it, lol. That is two I missed cause of customers!!! XD


New auction: Dual Sword Warrior - Adoptable

7 weeks ago

Too bad I had to take care of a customer, lol. Congrats.


Lorien Ophilia, if you can see this, what is your max you will go otherwise we will be going back and forth all day lol.

7 weeks ago

I reaaaaally want her, and at this point, I don't know what my max is! Probably won't know until I reach it, if I am being honest.


New auction: Hisuian Typhlosion Warrior - Adoptable

2 months ago

Darn! Couldn't be around when it ended.

New auction: 🐿️Squirrel Adoptable
