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YCH has been posted!
On the 26th I will put it up for auction to close the deal!
Hello!! If you guarantee me that you will pay I can reserve it for you!
New auction: catgirl adopt
Hey Darant, I've seen this beauty go to auction multiple times and I LOVE her design! If no-one takes her this time, I would LOVE to adopt her but am unable to budget for her this month until the 26th. Would that work for you?
New auction: Space Girl
Hey, I LOVE her design! If I straight up auto-buy her, is it ok to pay on the date of the auction deadline? It's just that's payday for me xD
New auction: adopt tiger
I saw her auctiom before and talked myself out of bidding for her! Not making that mistake again! 🥰
New auction: Succubus
Uploaded new art
Ahhhh, thank you so much again for this amazing work of art! ^_^