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New auction: ych
New auction: Animated YCH With Werewolf
New auction: Comic Ych auction
New auction: YCH
Hi!!! For some reason it would *not* let me reply to your previous post... I tried messaging you on FA actually. In any case, ty!!
New sale: YCH on a beach
New auction: YCH
hey, I realised I just got back to this late. would you be willing to accept a bid on this?
New auction: prone bone ~
New auction: YCH Canine.✨
Hi, reaching out. Some car troubles came up earlier today and I need to save every penny I can, would you be able to remove my bid? I'm sorry for the inconvenience, my engine gave out :(
New auction: [𝐘𝐂𝐇] Ready to destroy
When you say free appearance change, would you be willing to make the bottom character male?
New auction: [YCH] Ych pose (Auction) 2
Would it be possible to bid on two poses at the same time, like if you wanted two A poses or two B poses, and increasing the bid amount to match that?