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i bought the lucario and gardevoir a few days ago and ask her if i can bundle the two. one i use for an roleplay, the other i gave to a roleplay friend to rp with. hey love her. but you have a nice day and again have a happy 4th of july, and stay safe. :)

2 years ago

Thank you again and you have a nice day too and stay safe :)


hey there. i see you also bought from Monedita i was about to bid on the zorark but I changed my mind as i had enough Pokémon just curious are you going to use her in a roleplay? and one last thing. hope you have a happy Independence Day if you live in the USA. :)

2 years ago

I do live in the USA and thanks for the well wishes for Independence Day:) As for the role play question, no I don’t intend on using her for role playing.
