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Sure, you can change the hair color, it will take me an hour to change the color, this is my paypal

4 years ago

Hey there! Sorry for the long reply, the website never notified me of your response. x.x The money has been sent! Also for the color change for the hair, could it be made into a light blue similar to that of shiny Gardevoir?


here I am hun ♥

4 years ago

Eyy awesome!! So for payment, I presume that PayPal is the way to go? Because if so, I'm ready to send payment whenever!! ^^ Also, is it possible to request a color adjustment to the hair?


Hello snakenote, I'm Bonchan owner of the auction you won, muy account has Belén blocked (for having 2 accounts xd), so I can't dm for crm, I'll write ti you from the other account (the Main)

4 years ago

Ahhh alrighty, that sounds fine with me! What's the name of your main account?


I am already quite desperate, I can not move the bids from the FA at the current auction. I've tried so many options already. :( Could someone help me by simply copying the current bid from the fa? I can pay you back with a sketch or something.

4 years ago

By copy you mean bidding the same amount that's on FA (without actually winning the auction)? If so, I can do it! There's no need to do a sketch since I definitely understand that this website has its issues every so often
