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Sure! I could charge 100$ for 5 poses in full color :)

2 months ago

Great! Thank you!


New auction: I draw your character! #94

2 months ago

Would it be possible to get 1 half body pose for 5 different characters


I've noticed that my auctions aren't selling well lately :c I would like to consult with you: what would you like to see from me? Erotic, emotional or aesthetic ych? I will be glad to any suggestions! ^^

3 months ago

I tend to be more prone to get YCH when I think the concept of them is really creative, and couple scenes (both erotic and just romantic). Your style is lovely and your "cute" arts look amazing. This might not be the most helpful tip but maybe try making a few YCH thag are exactly what you yourself like the most, be very indulgent and see how it goes. Sometimes what we like the most is what we can make the modt unique and then it draw people in.


I’m talking about this one. They provided your PayPal info and I paid $60 for a new commission. Now I’m upset because come on.

3 months ago

Go to the commission info and click on the profile from there. It will take you to a different profile than this artist, but with the same name. You can report that profile to mods. If you used PayPal, there's a chance you can get a refund if it's under 90 days. If you chose "friends and family" that might no longer be an option but you can always try. If you paid it as a business then they will almost surely reinburse you.


Excuse me, what kind of commission do you mean? This auction was won by another person, and your previous commission (the girl with the halo woven from the shadow) I have completed and sent you the result.

3 months ago

There is a chance that someone created an username with your same pfp and similar name and contacted the user pretending to be you saying they were the second place in the auction and the winner gave up. That was a common scam a whilw ago


New auction: Animation commission

5 months ago

Hey there! very interested in this, but not sure if I can get it at this time. Do you think you might ever do a similar thing for mouth? Like a smiling, licking lips or showing fangs animation?


I received a notification about a new message here, but I can't click on it :(

5 months ago

I tried to send an image showing that I got a 404 'This User is no accepting commissions' when I clicked on the commission button in your profile. It might be easier for us to communicate through other means, like Twitter or Discord, if you have any of those available.


If I'm not mistaken, this button can be found in the person's account if you go to him specifically through the auction. But if that doesn't work, can we contact on Twitter?

5 months ago

Yeah, give me your twitter. I'll reach out there. That's where I was looking for it but I literally can't see it where it usually is. It's odd.


The auction is over, but since there were no bids and If you are still interested in this YCH, can you contact me?

5 months ago

I'm good with that, but I cannot find the 'Commission' button on this new interface. How do you wanna communicate/coordinate?


New auction: HELLOWEEN 3D YCH

5 months ago

I have a character who is a muscular woman with tattoos and scars. Would that be possible?
